Keynote speakers IMEKOFOODS 2020
Paul Finglas (Quadram Institute) The Food Nutrition Security Cloud in Europe
Head of the Food Database National Capability, and Research Leader in Food and Health. He is an experienced food and nutritional scientist on vitamins and bioactives in foods, their intake, absorption, metabolism and requirements. He is currently coordinating EuroFIR Nexus, and participating as a WPL and member of the management boards in PlantLibra and TDS, BaSeFoods, and MoniQA NoE. He is Editor-in-Chief of Food Chemistry, editor of the journals Trends in Food Science (Executive Editor) and Technology…
Selvarani Elahi (LGC Group) Technical dispute resolution in the UK Official Food Control System
Selvarani is the UK DeputyGovernment Chemist and Executive Director of the Food Authenticity Network at LGC. She hasover 25 years’ experience in the analysis of food and agriculture samplesfor authenticity, contaminants, additives, composition and nutrients, and has also managed teams delivering consumerproduct testing. She also works across avariety of policy areas, with different stakeholder groups, to improvestandards in measurement science…
Michael Sulyok (BOKU Vienna) Performance of LC-MS/MS based methods for the simultaneous determination of hundreds of compounds deriving from different contaminant classes
In his work there is a strong focus on method validation and participation in international interlaboratory comparison studies in order to characterize the performance of modern LC-MS based multi-analyte methods with minimal or even no sample clean-up which will be topic of his presentation. The other focus is on the application of the method to study the overall pattern of mycotoxins and fungal metabolites in food- and feedstuffs and in the indoor environment…
Ana Isabel Gomes Rito (INSA) The WHO/ COSI Europe – the role of surveillance on inversing trends of childhood obesity in Portugal and Southern Europe
Ana Rito has a PhD in “Nutrition and Public Health”. Since 2008 she undertook 2 Post-Doc at the NIH (INSA)-Portugal. She is the PI for Portugal, of the COSI/ WHO Europe study and a member of its Advisory Board. Collaborating at NIH -WHO Collaborating Center for Nutrition and Childhood Obesity. She is also the Director of the Research Center CEIDSS…
Eva Vlková (CZU Prague) Probiotics and prebiotics in human nutrition
Eva is a head of the Department of Microbiology, Nutrition and Dietetics at the CZU in Prague and a member of the Scientific committee of the Czech Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics. Her primary research interest is gastrointestinal microbiota and its modification by probiotics and/or prebiotics with focus on bifidobacteria, their application to food and feed and methods of their detection. She participated in the development of ISO/IDF standard for determination of bifidobacteria in food. Other key areas of her research interests are microbial quality of food and fermented foodstuff….
Aleš Rajchl (UCT Prague) Food Reformulation – A Challenge (not only) for the Food Industry
Aleš Rajchl is currently an Associate professor of Food Technology and a Head of the Department of Food Preservation at the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague. His main research interest is focused on evaluation of food quality and authenticity, food analysis (ambient ionization mass spectrometry – DART), technology of fruit/vegetable products and food reformulation…
Reinhard Zeleny (European Commission, Joint Research Centre) Recently developed food matrix CRMs from EC-JRC
PhD in food- and biotechnology (BOKU Vienna), fellow and temporary agent at EC-JRC-IRMM, reference material and research projects in the food area (allergens, food proximates, beef gender), senior post-doc at BOKU Vienna (glycobiology research work), now permanently employed at EC-JRC in Geel. Project responsible for food and biological reference materials and feasibility studies (veterinary drugs, food authenticity, food microbiology, biosecurity), past member of the Organic Analysis Working Group of the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance: Metrology in Chemistry and Biology (CCQM), work package leader in EuroBioTox biosecurity Horizon 2020 project, editorial board member of Food Chemistry….