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Info COVID-19 situation

Due to the current pandemic situation, the deadline for sending abstracts has been extended to 31th July, 2020.

Abstract according to the template should be sent to

The abstract template is here:

Full text of your presentation can be sent to international peer-reviewed scientific journal Acta IMEKO according to instructions on website Please find the updated flyer of our Acta IMEKO e-journal  including the names of the members of the Editorial Board (EB) which is an open access journal ( focusing on research in measurement sciences and technologies sponsored by the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO). The best conference or workshop papers are selected and authors are invited to publish an enhanced version of their papers in this e-journal.

Oral Presentations

will be limited up to 15 minutes, including discussion.

Guidelines for Speakers

  1. Prepare visual aids. Avoid presenting long proofs or detailed derivations in the visual material.
  2. Do not read your submitted written text word by word, since the Detailed Abstract Booklet or the Proceedings will be in the hands of the audience. It is much more preferable to point out the basic ideas and/or heuristic explanations.
  3. In case you cannot attend the Event, please, announce this well in advance to the Event Secretariat ( If there is a colleague of yours attending the Symposium, being acquainted with the subject and able to answer questions too, you may ask him to present your paper. Do not ask non-competent persons to read the manuscript this will not help your paper to get into the Proceedings.
  4. During the oral presentation:
    1. Please be present in the lecture room at least 15 minutes before the session (20 minutes if you have slides). Announce to the chairperson, who will present the paper.
    2. Inform your audience with a few introductory sentences about the broader significance of your paper.
    3. Speak as slowly and simply as possible.
    4. Keep a check on your presentation time. If you can present your contribution in a shorter time, please do so. The presentation will be followed by a short discussion.
    5. Allow sufficient time for slides and projections. Explain each figure (e.g. para-meters, function of black-boxes, coordinates, etc.). Please give the audience enough time to understand a figure, before going on to other topics.
    6. Always speak into the microphone.
    7. When summarizing your presentation, talk about the conclusions and practical benefits of the results of your work.
    8. Please respect your chairperson’s instructions during the presentation, particularly in keeping your time limit.


Posters (format 16:9; 1920 x 1080 pixel) will be presented only on-line in electronic form. Please send it in PDF and PowerPoint before 6th September to
